Growing up Christmas wasn't my favorite time of year. In fact, I couldn't wait for it all to be over with. This may come as a surprise to many of you who know me and know that I'm a Christian.
We were poor. I'm not saying we didn't have the latest stuff, we didn't have much at all. Our family was one of those who received the the food from the food drives and had others in the community got us gifts. This definitely helped in my disbelief of Santa in a huge way. Now, I was always thankful for all we had gotten every year. It was the time when you went back to school that was the hardest. Some kid would ask me what I got for Christmas, and after my answer they'd respond, "that's it?" What a slap in the face.
Disappointment ran really thick around this time of year. I remember one year our church and another was going to put on this great Christmas program. I had to tryout for the solo that I wanted. (It was like high school all over again.) The song the other church picked was quite difficult. Needless to say, I practiced with my voice teacher and worked very hard too. I even auditioned which was nerve recking to say the least. Then there was some falling out or something and the whole program was diminished.
Here recently, I have been getting excited about Christmas. Maybe it's because we have children and it's sooo wonderful to see their little faces light up when they see the tree and open their presents! I really think it's because I am blessed to have such a loving husband whom spoils me as well as our kids this time of year.
I have been trying to do what I can. Being a stay-at-home mom, I don't make much, but this year I decided to start donating my plasma. This has been my contribution to Christmas. (Not to mention the fact that I am helping others I don't even know.)
I have been baking for my family's Christmas Eve get together. It makes me feel good, even though I shouldn't be eating too many of these treats. I've even made some gifts myself. I look forward to hosting Christmas for my In-Laws!
I can't wait till the boys wake up and I can say, "It's Christmas!!!!"